Original price was: Rp98.000.Rp80.000Current price is: Rp80.000.
Penulis :
Malisa, S.Pd – Roi Boy Jon, S.Pd – I Gede Perdana Putra Narayana, S.Pd. –
M. Zaenal Abidin, S. Pd – Hilwa Alfiani Fitri, S.Pd. – Ade Dewi Trisna Hartika, S.Pd. –
Faksi Rana Al Kahi, S.Pd – Muh. Azhar Kholidi, S.Pd., M.Ed – Ely Hardianti, S.Pd. –
Apriliana, S.Pd. – Agustina Sinta Erlina, S.Pd – Wini Ranti, S. Pd
ISBN : 978-623-0964-1-45
Jumlah Hlm : vi, 194
Ukuran : 15×23 Unesco
Kertas : Bookpaper
Tahun Terbit : 2023
Editor : ABD. Majid, M.Ed
This book, Unraveling Linguistics Horizons: The English Concept, provides valuable information about the evolution of English language from its early stages to the most recent developments. The authors have endeavored to present high-quality and valid information on how the English language was introduced, learned, and adopted by the majority of people worldwide.
Additionally, they have not overlooked providing engaging discussions on the influence of the development of the English language on native languages, local cultures,
and other related aspects.
This book consists of 12 chapters, which are:
Chapter 1: Unraveling Linguistic Origins
Chapter 2: Linguistic Diversity
Chapter 3: Modern English and Globalization
Chapter 4: Cultural Expression
Chapter 5: Language in Education
Chapter 6: English as a Medium Usage: English Implication on Global Communication
Chapter 7: English Theory in Education
Chapter 8: The future Prospects and Challenges of English as a Global Language in Education
Chapter 9: Language Evolution
Chapter 10: English as a Gateway
Chapter 11: The Language Diplomacy
Chapter 12: A Concept of English Horizons
As discussed above, the authors have made an effort to explain each topic using very clear and easily understandable language for readers. Therefore, for literature enthusiasts,
especially those interested in English literature, it is essential to have this book as part of
their reference collection.
Daftar Isi
Chapter 1 Unraveling Linguistic Origins …………………………….. 1
Chapter 2 Linguistic Diversity…………………………………………. 19
Chapter 3 Modern English and Globalization…………………….. 34
Chapter 4 Cultural Expression …………………………………………. 54
Chapter 5 Language in Education…………………………………….. 68
Chapter 6 English as Medium Usage: English Implication on
Global Communication ……………………………………. 78
Chapter 7 English Theory in Education …………………………… 107
Chapter 8 The Future Prospects & Challenges of English as a
Global Language in Education ………………………… 118
Chapter 9 Language Evolution ………………………………………. 128
Chapter 10 English as a Gateway …………………………………… 138
Chapter 11 The Language of Diplomacy …………………………. 151
Chapter 12 A Concept of English Horizons……………………… 165